Gandhi in India

Publicado por Diego Silva , lunes, 22 de marzo de 2010 15:33

It is important to highlight the role of Gandhi in India’s independence, the non violence movement and the massive respond of the people led them to accomplish its final objective to become free from the United Kingdom.
He was the pioneer of the resistance to tyranny through mass civil disobedience, a philosophy firmly founded on total nonviolence which led and inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world.

One of Gandhi’s major contributions was that to show that pacifism was a viable tool to achieve political objectives and that the independence of India was possible without any kind of war or deaths. Gandhi preached harmony and nonviolence in a world where many believe war was the only way to accomplish things.

Gandhi was a nationalist leader, but also, was he was looking for equality and justice. Another important thing to appreciate from him was that he was looking to abolish the caste system in a country where their religious system created outcasts or untouchables; he was looking for all individuals to become recognized as citizens with rights.

His ambitions went beyond the strictly political sphere: beyond the liberation of their country and social transformation, called for the spiritual improvement of man.
Thanks to his believes and the way he acted as an ethical person, he showed to the world that there are different ways to do things; his thoughts and attitudes served as examples for the several peace movements that emerged in the world after the World War II.
Image: Man of Firm Step, available at:

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1 Response to "Gandhi in India"

Gina Says:

Diego, i like your Blog. Try to include more about your own thoughts on the topics.

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