Gandhi in India

Publicado por Diego Silva , lunes, 22 de marzo de 2010 15:33

It is important to highlight the role of Gandhi in India’s independence, the non violence movement and the massive respond of the people led them to accomplish its final objective to become free from the United Kingdom.
He was the pioneer of the resistance to tyranny through mass civil disobedience, a philosophy firmly founded on total nonviolence which led and inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world.

One of Gandhi’s major contributions was that to show that pacifism was a viable tool to achieve political objectives and that the independence of India was possible without any kind of war or deaths. Gandhi preached harmony and nonviolence in a world where many believe war was the only way to accomplish things.

Gandhi was a nationalist leader, but also, was he was looking for equality and justice. Another important thing to appreciate from him was that he was looking to abolish the caste system in a country where their religious system created outcasts or untouchables; he was looking for all individuals to become recognized as citizens with rights.

His ambitions went beyond the strictly political sphere: beyond the liberation of their country and social transformation, called for the spiritual improvement of man.
Thanks to his believes and the way he acted as an ethical person, he showed to the world that there are different ways to do things; his thoughts and attitudes served as examples for the several peace movements that emerged in the world after the World War II.
Image: Man of Firm Step, available at:


Publicado por Diego Silva , 15:24

One of the most worldwide issues about China is its constraints about freedom of speech, specially seen right now thanks to the spread of the internet as a tool for communicating around the world.

Even thought in the national Constitution it states that: “Chinese citizens enjoy freedom of speech and freedom of the press. Other legislation, such as China's Publishing Regulations, stipulates that groups and individuals may not interfere in the lawful exercise of these rights.” (Taken from:
It is the government itself who doesn’t want to know the world some of the things that happen there, they are aware of the interest that people have in China right now and how they are handling some topics as human rights, work conditions and environmental issues, that’s why they need to control the information flow about those critical topics internationally in order to maintain a “good image” of the progress in China.

Censorship is heavily imposed but is not total some areas such as Hong Kong and Macau are not submitted to the government regulations, that includes controlling over the news information, restrictions on the media, controlled Internet Services Provider that verifies the information and control internet user’s content availability and banned publications, etc. are some of the ways, they use to control the information exchange, many international NGOs have presented their concerns and exposed how China doesn’t meet the international human rights standards for freedom of expression.

But thanks to the expansion of the internet, people from China are having more opportunities to share their living experience and show the world what is going on there in spite of the strict government regulations, and also to know about the world ‘s different points of view, and what freedom of speech stands for.

Comparison Chart Between Korea, Japan and Colombia

Publicado por Diego Silva , jueves, 4 de marzo de 2010 13:23

Differeces between Migrants and Expatriates

Publicado por Diego Silva , martes, 2 de marzo de 2010 8:05

The term expatriate refers mainly to skilled migration because not all of them have the need to go living abroad, besides is very normal for example that some multinational companies send them to work for a period of time in another country or considered legal migration with all the paperwork need to apply for a working visa and stuff like that, and later return to their home country, this is not considered as a force migration, meanwhile immigrants tend to be more labour kind of worker who wants better life conditions and standards of living, that doesn’t necessarily mean legal migration. Actually both terms refer to people living in a different culture from their own culture, but depending on the conditions of the person going abroad you can consider them expatriate or immigrant.
Image: Migrants, available at:

Migration in Canada

Publicado por Diego Silva , 8:01

Canada has experienced since its beginnings very different migrations patterns, in the XIX century it lacked of that pull factor in order to bring people to inhabit the wild territory of this emerging nation, besides certain policies that favored the migration of particular nationalities mainly from western Europe (Britain, Wales and Scotland) and USA, that conformed mainly the first wave of migrations to this country; as the country’s economy progressed and new reasons to immigrated emerged, Canada managed to become one of the greatest receiver of people in the world, taking advantage of the push factors that other countries in Asia, Africa and Latin American have experienced, making Canada a territory that benefits not only of the migration of high skilled people but also their families, refugees and independents.

- Canada through the years has become more lax in its migration system due to its low birth rate, the country started to become more aware of the problems that it could face in the future, so controlled migration is a way to make the system works.

- The good standards of living, great job opportunities and excellent integration policies are the main pull factors that make people considered Canada as the best place to explore those wishes of having a better life.

- Canada will have to continue sponsor migration and integration in order to continue growing, besides facing the problems of new developing economies that offer new possibilities for people to stay, and countries like USA that allure even Canadian people to move there for better job opportunities.

I think that Canada has evolved to create a really multiculturalism approach within its territory, that’s why it has succeeded in its migration policies, making a really pull factor for people to go there, besides the great opportunities for better life quality, integration has helped to create a better understanding of how migration should be treated in order to avoid problems, and make things easier for those who leave their home country, I believe that in the short term Canada will continue to controlled its migration standards but as the document stated as long as new developing countries manage to create better job opportunities Canada will face some “competition” in order to maintain a normal growing population rate.